Taxation Services

The tax regime is constantlychanging through regular amendments. Since taxes bear great cost implication on all aspects of the business, prudence requires that businesses keep abreast with the rapid changes in tax laws and the impact.

Wecontinuouslyevaluate taximplication of proposed business decisions and changes intax laws that affect the business,and provide timely advice to managementto ensure compliance and mitigation ofany adverse effects of identified tax risks. Some of the specific services that we provide to clients include the following:

  • Client tax advisory and support services.
  • Handling tax matters with KRA on behalf of our clients.
  • Filling of monthly and annual tax returns for our clients.
  • Keeping clients updated on current developments in tax regime, impact on business and possible mitigation measures.
  • Dealing with KRA on behalf of clients with respect to tax audits, investigations and complicated tax matters.
  • Advising and assisting clients on their tax obligations and tax planning.
  • Obtaining compliance certificates on behalf of clients.
  • Corresponding with KRA on behalf of clients on all tax issues.
  • Securing registration and filling of i-TAX, VAT, PIN, PAYE, NSSF and NHIF.